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About Me


Hello!!!  Thank you for stopping by. WELCOME!!!! It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to interact and serve you.

A little about me... I am a Howard University Alum. Wooo Bison Pride!!! I love my HBCU. Amongst many other hats, I am also a Social Worker, and I love it. I am passionate about helping others. This is the main reason I created Embrace Your Slayage.™

I want to send a message of hope to love yourself authentically no matter what the societal norms are. If I can encourage one person to look in the mirror and have pure love for themself, or encourage someone to be the best version of themself then I accomplished my goal, so I hope that you feel encouraged, both from the merchandise and the blog section. Again thank you so much for your service I do not take it lightly.  Your support warms my heart. 

Remember to Embrace Your Slayage!!!!!


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