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What does EMBRACE YOUR SLAYAGE even mean???

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Society has a way of dividing us by making all these guidelines and regulations for what is acceptable. From fashion to economical status, relationships, body image and even one’s diet! But it is important not to let these societies do’s and don'ts dictate how we move in daily life. We have to take control and live the best life we can without boundaries.


So many times we as women we get caught up in the roles and demands that are placed upon us, that we take on emotional and mental baggage that was never ours to carry. For instance, how many times have we as women been shot down because we have decided not to "BEAT" our face or vice versa? Honestly, we don't owe anyone an explanation for how we choose to present ourselves to the world. Our decision to BEAT, SLAY, and RIP LIFE'S RUNWAY, is a PERSONAL choice. So if you wake up and decide not to then again, that was a PERSONAL choice. In everything you do just make sure to love you while you are doing it.

Embracing your slayage is displaying self love and honoring your worth, while dismantling societal standards. It's a campaign to encourage women of color and all shapes and sizes, to be confident and love themselves from the inside out. Just be you!

I love to use my favorite 90's tv show Living Single as an example. They all were beautiful women who had their own style and never stepped outside of themselves. They were confident in who they were. You have....

  • Cadeja: laid back, homie, and lover friend glam

  • Sinclair: simple sweet and bubbly glam

  • Maxine: business and afrocentric glam

  • Ragine: both a provocative and elegant glam

The one consistent thing between all of them was that they were beautiful and independent. . It didn't quite work out when they tried to be someone else. Remember when Sinclair went out on that date with the doctor? Ragine told her to laugh and say " Ohh and I have these!!!!". That date didn’t go well because she was not being true to Sinclair. Being someone else never works out! When it's all said and done you have to go to sleep and wake up with yourself, so love and appreciate the person you have become. If there are things that need to change for the better then do it for YOU. Self improvement is key, not to follow trends or what society says to become.

Embracing your slayage is a movement to encourage others to fight to make their dreams come true and achieve the goals set for yourself. This movement is meant to shed light on women around the country who are out here DOING IT! Women of color are so phenomenal and have so much greatness! So I wanted to create a mantra that could be worn over and over again. So that every time you put on the t-shirt it will remind you to embrace your OWN authentic self and the dreams that flow from you.

This is a movement that we can rock all century long and then some! Let's continue to take a stand and be the victorious melanated Queens that we are. STAND UP, EMBRACE YOUR SLAYAGE, and RIP LIFE'S RUNWAY!!!!!!!! Until next time go out there and kill it sis!

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